When it comes to health, this is something that typically begins in our own home, as well as work, school, community, and neighborhood. We already know that our health is influenced by such activities as eating well, exercising, etc. Additionally, our health is also determined by how clean our air and water are, the nature of our social relationships and interactions, etc.

In terms of social determinants of health, these are generally defined as conditions in the environments in which individuals are born, work, learn, live, worship, age, and play that also affect a range of functioning, health, and quality-of-life risks and outcomes.

Here is a list of some of the most common social determinants of health.

*Overall availability of resources to help with meeting various daily needs, such as local food markets and safe housing.

*Access to economic, job, and educational opportunities.

*Access to various types of health care services.

*Overall quality of job training and education.

*Access to community-based resources in support of community living and leisure-time/recreational opportunities and activities.

*Various types of transportation options.

*Access to public safety.

*Social support options.

*Social attitudes and norms, such as racism, discrimination, and general distrust of government.

*Exposure to violence, social disorder, and crime, such as lack of community cooperation and presence of garbage.

*Socioeconomic conditions, such as poverty and the conditions that accompany it.

*Residential segregation.

*Literacy and language issues.

*Access to various types of emerging technologies and mass media, such as internet, social media, and cell phones.


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